Lovely… and Lonely

…and I’m sure they were the only ones in the whole Red River Gorge!

That was these wonderful Yellow Lady Slippers.

Ruth and I meandered, as we so often do, to the Red River Gorge.  It was early chilly spring, and flowers were our destination.  We were fortunate enough to meet up with our dear friend John Snell ( who knows the RRG like the back of his hand… he should, he’s published two wonderful photo books exhibiting the wonderful seasons and senses of the Gorge.

Yellow Lady Slippers - Parham P Baker Photography
Yellow Lady Slippers

Anyway, John knew what we were looking for, and offered to meet us at the only ones he had seen this spring… the beautiful Yellow Lady Slippers. Interestingly enough, they were right along side the Nada Tunnel Road very close to the bridge over the Red.  Ruth and I parked at the bridge and lugged gear uphill to where this single clump (nice descriptive work that… clump) resided, lonely but lovely.

We both shot a full roll of film (Ok…  a bunch of digitals… was just soundin’ highfalutin’,) admired their lovely loneliness, and called the Yellow Lady Slippers of 2016 finished, as we had no other choice.

The next day Ruth and I ventured out again, in search of those same elusive floral footwear, and did find a passel (technical term that) of the Pink Lady Slippers… which we gleefully spent an afternoon inhaling into our Canon’s despite the overly bright sun and the breeze that kept them nodding.   Speaking of nodding…

We did take a bit of time just napping in the hammocks Ruth had smartly brought along, and chatting with another photography friend who wandered by, another who is intimately versed in the RRG, David Coyle (

So, until Lady Slippers 2017… so long.

Quite the satisfactory weekend… fulfilled while looking for,

Lovely… and Lonely


As a photographer and a hiker, I love making images of the natural world. I'm also and avid scuba diver and wannabe chef.

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